Monday, September 28, 2009

Fundraising Plea


Many of you remember hearing about my last trip to Kenya in November 2007. I spent 6 amazing weeks volunteering in an orphanage in Kibera, the world's second largest slum, located in Nairobi. Mama Tunza's Children's Home was then home to 50 orphans and included a school and daycare program.

Kibera has a population of around a million people cramped into 8 square kilometers of land. The children had very little outside space to play in. As with most slums, Kibera lacks infrastructure so there are open sewers, garbage everywhere and limited access to health care.

Mama Tunza's was very lucky to move out of Kibera in August of this year. A charitable group purchased an acre of land on the outskirts of Nairobi and another group built a new home for them in the spring. They now have 100 orphans living there.

I am returning to Kenya on November 15th for another 5 weeks of volunteering. When I returned the last time I struggle with the fact that while I had done some good , I had not left anything long lasting behind. I have been in touch with the orphanage and they would like to get 2 dairy cows, chickens and a vegetable garden for their land. Each cow would produce 30 litres of milk per day. They have room for up to 500 chickens. Any excess eggs would be sold to their neighbours and profits used for projects at the orphanage such as art supplies or field trips. The older children at the orphanage would be responsible for caring for the animals. The eggs, milk and vegetables would be a great addition to their diet, which consists mostly of rice, beans and ugali, a cornmeal porridge.

I am looking to raise $5000. Each cow cost $1000, chickens are $15 a piece and there will be construction costs for a barn. Any donation you could provide, even $5 dollars,will make a huge difference. You can email me at for more information on how to donate.

All of your donation goes straight to the project. I am paying my own expenses.

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